Sunday, November 18, 2007

Table Tennis Anyone

Just purchased a ping pong table, it is awesome. I played Ben about 10 times last night after putting it together. Putting it together was another story. The directions were lacking to say the least and Ben and I had to decipher the two pictures it that came masked as the directions. However, it is together so all is not lost. Andre and my parents are coming down for Thanksgiving so I will have another person to play for a few days.

Other than that not much is happening in Owensboro, if you can believe that.


Andre said...

I can't wait to kick your ass.

It's about time you started posting on here.

Unknown said...

"Andre and my parents are coming down for Thanksgiving so I will have another person to play for a few days"

What about Jedidiah, Cleo and Bobbie Sue Jo? Y'all ain't on the outs is ya?

Liz Peltier Moyer said...

Loser! Did you have to use the same blog design as me?

peltierinator said...

Technically I think I started first, but didn't post until a few days ago.